Hey, its ok. i didnt know oyu were loaded with homework, and also, i want it to be a userbar, that changes into another, haveing a picture of the...
its nice, i like it a lot... if only i could do that =/
hey, good job, i might request, but right now, ill just say good job, they looks really good happy face =]
ok sure
Hey, you told me to check out your thread. did you use photoshop? things is, i dont have photoshop, i have gimp =/ i want photoshop though
ok, ill check it out now, thanks
Lord Terrax XII - lol HellsRequiumAMX - Thanks! ill try not to use those brushes, and probably delete them.. and also, thanks for the...
it looks ok, but its kinda hard to see render EDIT- its ard to tell what the render is from, otherwise its ok =]
i joined MSP Inc.
thanks for the helps guys! ill use it.
? how am i a loser... i have high standards for myself, i just knew it looked bad and i just wanted to know what other people thought... - rep...
i noticed the problem with the render, i did something wrong and i just remembered what i did. Also, i dont care that i should make another...
Hey guys, i wanted to know what you guys thought of my first sig! Here it is - [IMG] Hey, i know it has no border, but i couldnt seem to get it to...
ive tryed guys, its a waste of time. ive been trying for half an hour and no results but a bunch of flying crates/wire spools etc. etc...
ive been trying forever, its impossible, the objects go to fast... even with gravlifts...
hey, in contest can we use movable objects and does it have to be able to be stood on?
can we make with moveable objects or no?
i also agree with terrax, its perfect but it needs a background and just a bit less fog
i think it looks pretty good, its not the best, but its decent.
Nice picture, and i think Through the Fire and Flames is a good name 5/5