Well, to me it actually seems fairly diffiult to achieve, and the fact you need to think a bit just adds to my score. I honestly just think that...
Thanks for the comments, but does anyone have any criticism on the actual map or the gameplay? That's really what I'm after.
Gah, sorry mate, but you've embedded most of your pics incorrectly. If you want a great tutorial for high quality pics, follow this one. Try and...
It IS geomerged. I just put a fence wall there for lulz. And you don't need an Assualt gametype. Assualt plays fine by itself. Regular CTF,...
I finally submitted Foun-dry v2, which I'm calling Foun-dry Final cus I'm not coming back to it. Final = final version, for those in the audience...
Foun-dry Final EDIT: Please, I do appreciate good reviews and criticism. So please, if you see this message, post something that will help me...
Mate, you need to embed pictures. Use this tutorial to get the pics up within 24 hours, or this thread will be locked.
Blockout was a remake of Lockout, and fulfilled everything that Blackout lacked as a Lockout remake.
Skype? Or are you going offline?
Hmmm. Should I trust your opinion to be true? Despite the fact your name has Sarcasm in it? :P The only bad thing about it is that the LS and RT...
Lawl. Must...have....boobies...
Lonely skype is boring skype.
:) So I dun die?
A countdown timer? Will I die in 10 days? Because I still need to pay off some bills, and I need more than 10 days.
I take it that this means no more talking for the next ten minutes. I could masturbate...but no, alas, I have a dysfunction of erectile proportions.
God I'm bored...it's 1:30 in the morning, and I just drank like, half my body weight in sugar, so I'm up for a little while longer :P Talk. Nao.
[spoiler][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] EPIC.[/spoiler]
I know! But Little Sisters r lul! Lol, the first time I bought the Torx screwdrivers, they were too short. Next set, they weren't the security...
Pegasi? I finished BioShock AGAIN to get a fourth achievement. I'm really getting sick of that game :P