R u have red mai bloggzorz?
Entertainment. Lulz.
Fine. At least read it at some point in time though.
Reed mai bloggzorz
But who will be my father figure afterwards? I HAVE NO FATHER FEEGOORE. ONLY A MOTHER FEEGOORE.
I'm being sucked into a vortex of oily men and greaasssseeee......
Noooooo. His manly man features! They're too much!!!!
**** dextar
Dexter is a murderer. My story has 3 murders in it. READ. NOW.
:O What ARE you going to do?
Aww...I spent an hour writing it :D
My short story FTW.
Go here. Much easier and the pics end up with better quality. Hope you can get the pics up. Sounds like a cool map.
Damn Microsoft.
Fine. Guess wut. My Xbox has a red ring. General Hard phail. And now I can't fix it :(
How so? He has ONE post on a guys map, and he hasn't been online since the post.
And looksey at Foun-dry. I could use your opinions.
Ffffuuuuuu My Xbox has one red ring. I unplugged everything and I'm letting it cool, but I honestly hope I don't have to send it to the Microsoft...