Might do me some good. I'll get some air! Though the sun IS awfully bright outside...
Lul. Mai shoutbox closed. Your doing I suppose?
The corners are open mainly because people rarely stray out there. This also provides room for the Ghost to maneuver. Most of the objective jump...
Well, I think these ones seem easy enough, if not fun, apart from Endure. I don't mind the wave based game modes (**** Zombies, Horde mode, and...
Do you dislike me now? I can't help but notice I'm still on your friend list o.0
So. I see you passed sentence structure with flying colours :P
Confused, I see. Refer to latter post :D
K then. You have Halo 1?
"Go cry, emo kid" = a common internet saying, insinuating that you live to complain. Had I said "Go cry, pessimist" it would have fit the role...
When did I insult you? It was banter. You're the one who called me a manwhore, and meant it. You know NOTHING about me.
No need to be a ****. I know you, you're not a ****. Don't sink THAT low. You know what they say about insulting on the internet, rite?
And you call Peg a manwhore....
1. It's Friday, and everyone knows it's not possible to be emo after school on a Friday. So your logic fails. 2. I've received plenty of comments...
Go cry, emo kid.
Just say if it was **** or alright.
Cuz you said so? Not much of an explanation.
I looked at latter statement, and it doesn't explain WHY you won't comment.
Why not? It's a simple yes or no question.
Yay. Any gud?