Torrents... Check out this pic of my mod: [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]
:O. Halo PC. Bish.
My EPIC modzorz.
Bummer. Buy Halo 1. Then you can test my modzorz.
So...that means you're leaving? WAAAAH Xbox is STILL being fixed...Halo 1 isn't the same... WAAAAAH
No, no, he read it. He just didn't tell me his opinion cause I bugged him for it :P
Sure. Sarge dun give me criticism out of spite :D
I can has CnC on this?
Sarge. What happened to Peg?
Hey Sarge, where did Peg go?
Robert Muchamore is one of my favourite authors. He writes great books, and they all have great storylines. The Cherub and Harrison's Boys series...
Lol. I unlocked it.
Halo 1 Plasma Cannon, full auto, and fires a healing sentinal beam. It will be AWESOME.
Oh, and by the way, when does the Shout box thing expire? Just wondering.
I'm modding Halo PC, and I made a laser sight! (Which is actually pretty tricky.)
Heya Sarge. Busy?
By the way, did you ever get around to considering changing my avatar to the .gif file?
LOL. I tried to access the LOL Box and it blocked me. My intelligence be broked.