Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) u may be right but the bottom level has rockets, BR's, AR's, swords, shotty's and sentinal beams
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) [red] thanks dude thats a problem with the foundry not my map (i think) u dont have to walk in slowly (at least i...
Re: Battle Grounds! (A uniqe map) thanks dude,we should unite and make a Mega
thanks dude, its up if u want to check it out
Re: Battle Grounds! (A uniqe map) thanks ALOT dude did you find any problems??
dude i have done it before Pm me if you still need my help
Re: Battle Grounds! (A uniqe map) good job, but i forgot to mention u cant use forge (too late) So what do you think of this map?
Can u plz lock this???
this looks awesome, will it work with CTF? i downloaded, can you ceck out mine, Battle...
were can we advertise our maps, my map Battle Grounds only has 22 downloads and 2 comments, i...
what is spam??
hey how exactly does this site work??? im new and really dont know how thing work around here, can someone halp me??
Re: Battle Grounds thanks
Battle grounds: on Foundry Created By: Spitfire288 Dear forge hub, sorry for my incorrectly formatted post of this map last time, i made the...
thats happened to me alot, and onetime i was forging a map and forgot to save(stupid me) and i was testing the map and whenever i walked on...
Battle Grounds (on Foundry) Created By: Spitfire288[br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer [br] Map Description This map has catwalks,...