Haha who cares? he's only black i shouldn't say that because KsE singer is black and he's epic
Ditch him >.> By the way, Have you seen Canadian Bob's most recent post? Its quite hilarious...
indeeed KB..... indeed. I love brown people because of you bob
YouTube - Sea Of Treachery - Misery Business (Paramore cover) Btw, watch that. We're doing that for a BoB soon and I'm really excited. We've...
Mine is really quite good. He can do a single bass pedal and make it sound like he has a double. He's pretty beast
The epic once known as Ty is now gone.... D;
Wow. Utah Mambo=epic Hilarious name too lol. Great work dude.
I'm in your base... stealing your Mythics... don't mind me ;p
haha that sucks. My drummer is friggen black and happens to be my neighbor... I play rthymn (lolfail at my spelling) and my andrew (my older...
Haha aw. Why so?
Yeah school and gf=My life atm... And music/band/guitar lol
me neither. I am too wrapped up with life lol
Haha yessir. I might join his party just out of his epicness
Alrighty... sounds good. I am eager to get started on this again
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/58634-tgif-28-sign-up.html Now check Vorpal's Party listing
Something about your sig catches my eye. Even though its "basic", its quite good. Good job
Hey there I'm available this weekend if you wanna do stuff on the map
I'm likin your avatar... Something about it attracts attention
Why thank you. It was the color of my shoes til I threw my shoes away lol.... I'm gonnna change it to black and purple though
If I am on teh sehksbox, I will join your party just for your friggen epic time names