idk some post awhile back... but w/e's. no one will take it seriously
no. u. I don't feel like wasting my time. Its just obvious in the ways you talk to/about her
yeahh actually it is...
ughhh... are you seriously gonna make me find the post...
inorite? y is u copyin mah wurds?
Indeed. Our love must wait
Did you get a GT change as well?
Lemme think about that one... lol jk. But dun wory gai. You haz amber so give her my percent. I haz taylor. I gave her yours... srry gai.
lol. No. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha now your gonna cry ;D
I... am saddened
Cool beans! Looks like an interesting growing community. I am eager to become a part of it
The beard... why?!?!?!
lol dude. Its all good ;) But we are broskis for life dun forget
I r joining... nao ;D
Ello mate
But for future purposes, if you come across any codes, lemme know.
ARE YOU SERIOUS BROSKI!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! I wanna cry now. You shoulda given it to THIS buddy Matt...
I hate you. I want them so bad... :(
I <3 your SOTW. Its got my vote so far
Happy B-Day Man! Finally legal lol