The only people I know on 4chub that live nearby are you, Dizfunky, and Nor.... and Nor and I have already talked about going to six flags with...
I'mma tell you right now brotha....I'm going to report you to the cyberpolice. I luld after I watched it again... DOSE A-Cups.
the server dun goof'd
I love me sum tarps [img]
what are you talking about? There has been plenty of dicks, trolls, and spam.
Hey Tusk, since you reported me, why don't you go report the other guy who actually made a thread too man.
randle... dude we should chill like a fridge sometime in the future
this is some epic ****
**** yeah!
All of you are a bunch of boring raggots. [img]
Let's call it, no.
hahaha Benji got that **** I would say ******, but scooby would say raggots... herpa derp
Like I said that kid looks like a raggot.
what a raggot
We're talking about Pediatricians... WTF MAN
So after seeing Inception twice, I totally dun goof'd after I watched X-Men 3 and realized this: [spoiler]
All of those pizza places's suck ass imo. Feels good to live in the world's greatest pizza city man.
You're making this thread in August when your birthday is November... You got a while away man. Ask for them to pre-order Reach for you and put...
I posted this a couple days ago in the music thread.