I like yours RST. Also Theorem should take Zack for his sig.
gud night goofs
I like your sig bro.
Because I deleted mine after I realized you posted the same thing as me and yours was first...no reason for mine hah
lul I posted at the same time as you in that thread.
I just got off bro, going to go to sleep... I'll play tomorrow man.
no not at all... PPC is Post Party Countdown. It doesn't generate money or save money and has nothing to do with money. Post about whatever man,...
I rove you rong time
I have a picture of a dog for my avatar... now who the **** does that? no one...because I'm a raging raggot.
ain't that some ****?
I play video games for fun, to waste spare time, and I'm simply not competitive at all, unless it's a competitive non-MLG custom game, than I'll...
No matter if there is or isn't, I'm not bothering to play it even once, I couldn't stand the MLG play list in Halo 3, so Reach shouldn't be any...
I'm thinking of changing this to my avatar...yes/no? [IMG]
numbers of times he dun goof'd?
Best song I've heard all day. Would make a great breakup song. This video was posted on the 19th and already has over 1 million views haha...
Senior year starts tomorrow for me.... fuuuuuu
HEY CHUCK is this you? YouTube - YA DUN GOOFED Jessi Slaughter
do you barely make the cut or what bro?
What Sarge meant to ask you...aren't you just a tad too short to ride the big boy rides? If kiddie rides are ya thing that's cool too, plenty...