A Wizard?
Also, I just realized that 12 months are now currently on sale and are $39.99. Xbox.com | price lock - Renew now and save 30% off Gold And to...
So you've given us twitter, Facebook, Last.fm, and umm Netflix. I personally only use Last.fm every once in a while because I'd rather use my...
Plow her bump
so I got sum microsoft points and I wanted to change my retarded ass gamertag...and my first choice was already taken. ****. Now I have to...
What's with the asterik in your name?
what are yall guys talking about.
Alrighty man then I guess it's cool. Make your rivals name somewhere along the lines of EFG, cocks, wimin, *****, etc. You should be cool gui.
This could have been posted in this thread.
He looks like a raggot.
and Sarge not all of us are nerds. well like you say only 1% of us aren't nerds hahah herp derp
When I first looked at that, I thought you had a uni-brow. I chuckled. Also, DAT retarded pen.
Haha that's the way to do it man. I used to go to all my home football games at my old high school until I moved to the one I go to now last...
If this was facebook, I totally would like your most recent post. I'm pretty sure today was the first varsity football game for the entire midwest.
Sweet man. I don't know if you remember but I do live in Chicago....and I seen Sevendust out in Jacksonville, Florida. I never listened to them...
Do you listen to Five Finger Death Punch or Sevendust by any chance?
Well where do you reside now or for most of your time/life in chicago? I never knew you did live in chicago...
wait a second.... you're from Chicago? Live in Chicago?
Also, the blue ranger is gay too. Just thought I would toss that around.