David, melech Yisrael, chai chai vikayam. David melech Yisrael chai chai vikayam.
Thank you. Grazie.
Thank you.
Bullet through the head.
I forgot all about this classic game. I'll have to re-download it.
I miss being able to get the soccer ball into the hallway. With that arena built out of barriers, it's impossible. That's one of the things I miss...
I suggest we all ignore Luke Smith's drawing of Sandtrap at night. Before you all turn mad. It was clearly put in the weekly update to mislead and...
Shabbat Shalom motherfuckers!
Here's a picture I found on Bungie.net that someone (named Apollo Running) made comparing the sketch to Sandtrap. [IMG]
Yes, yes, and more yes. It's a sketch made by Luke Smith of Sandtrap. But parts are clearly exaggerated (such as that huge light on top of the...
I'd play but it's not the same without the voice communication. I'll log on now and play for a little if anyone's playing Halo. Otherwise I'll...
my xbox headset has been broken for months. have not yet replaced it.
The interlocking is fantastic, your post was truly well thought out, and the gameplay is unique. It's a very unique infection game that requires...
I know, I just checked the Infection category, and there's now like 6 nominations for your map. But there's way more nomnomnoms for the other map.
I completely agree with Orbital. I love the slight tweaks made to the gametype, as well as the improved entry point for the zombies. I remember in...
Best Infection Map: Township* Make sure you all nominate this map and vote.
"Motherfucker motherfucker motherfucking asshole ****." (DieHardAssassin)
This would be great for TGIF (is that this Friday?) because I, like many other folks, usually cannot find the right amount of people for a game....
I haven't played this map in a while, so I look forward to playing the updated version. Looks as clean and fun as it already did, but if it ain't...
I don't know. I almost have a feeling that it won't be the map everyone thinks it will be. Sure it's called Sandbox, which sounds like it would be...