I played two of these maps with you (Gnome) and Obibital the other day and I have to say that this holdout style of infection plays out well. The...
The holdout style gameplay on this map gets intense as the humans start burning through their ammo. Here you have a fun yet simple concept for...
Alejandro. Que tal ese?
I understand you've made another infection map. Enlighten me.
WRONG. Frank Zappa does not fail. He was a very talented composer and guitarist, also talented with other instruments as well. FYI he's the dude...
Hey dude
Finish the sentence: "I've got a fever, and the only..."
I really enjoy playing this game (with people who know what they're doing). The lack of doorway barricades makes this a much more intense game...
happy birthday
hello cosmicshot
Nice group picture. Those were some fun games - looking forward to playing again in two weeks, but on Sandbox as well.
What is the purpose of this thread nowadays? What is left of Sandbox to discuss? Someone, kindly inform me. Thank you all and adios.
GT: elitemastersam I will purchase them the day they come out on the Marketplace.
I'm In
Say there's a spot in the map (such as the human starting point) that you don't want the humans camping in later on. Just have a kill ball set to...
These type of mini games are fun. Yes I believe this would be considered a mini game. Another map similar to this was created by Speed-e-cake,...
Samuel L. Jackson does play a convincing evil role.
I dunno why I posted this, but i did.
"This endless wasteland still holds many secrets. Some of them are held more deeply than others. 4-12 players" This description was leaked long...