Depends... Do I have to do stuff?
Sorry I failed at waking up early... but I should be able to get up tomorrow... hopefully...
Ehh Pwning noobs is pwning noobs...
You are work pro guy... umm... 7 hours that's like... 4:30 am... hmm... I'll get on again in possibly 9 hours...
Been there done that... get on cause I have to get off soon... unless it's not too urgent... and you're just jealous of my MULGPRONESS
VM Fail, lucky I was wondering what took you so long... and I was bored... Anyway, yeah, totally... Why did I FR you? any particular reason?
The lead singer looks like a shrunken version of Metro Station's guy...
My new GT is iNumbbb
Now what?
F-ing amazing Shock But he's a scotsman, you can't condone his actions now then can you?
Halo CE, **** Yeah.
Excuse me sir but I believe you broke the possible. It's cause we do things logically here... (see: metres, Celsius, colour...) **** you......
I believe saviour has a U in it...
Where was my thanks bish?
uptage mon? I mean, er... lol you know... I'm staying at my friends pver night but just tell me when it's uploaded. Also, we won the school v...
/not that I know of...
Lol sorry I thought you just made it since it just got bumped...
ಠ_ಠ ..
Tango or West-side shuffle?