Sadface... you're never online anymore..
Is/Was MLG CBus fun?
I have a feeling that if America realised the extent that the rest of the world is laughing at them, they might actually try to get their act...
YouTube - Phurion, Shyre, and Fluxy :: Reflections It's nothing amazing gameplaywise but it has a great feel to it and it's also the only montage...
Whats the fancy thing called in your avatar?
As long as it doesn't take a week this time... lol
Montage? And I tested my contest map, it was good...
Damnation Hang Em High Battle Creek
I know <3...
OH NO YOU DIDN'T! Well... We have the nicest beaches...
You just knew I would pwn some Americanoobs in that Aus v USA thread didn't you?
Why art thou never onlineth anymore?
So was I... Oh well... I have a 4-Base Symmetrical map next
Foundry Asymmetrical MLGGGGGGG
Not not forging.
What do you think I'm doing at the moment?
No one of the many maps I made after you gave me those concepts that no one noticed...
Kinda made other things... then one got featured and I suddenly had "too many features" to get the others featured... so they slipped into the...