It is DEFINITELY not because they've gone mainstream (they've added Dubstep, actually called-out the government and corporations and told the...
FINALLY! Someone else who likes Adieu... There's a bunch of [not scene] kids at my school who listen to them and they all reckon that Adieu is...
YOU DO THIS EVERY ****ING TIME! Yeah, they're ****ing awesome... they played at big day out a few years back and I wanted to see them but it was...
Same Problem =/
Huh? When I went to the link you gave me it said: "The URL contained a malformed video ID." Yeh...
You sir! Cake or death!?
Is that so eh? Expanse Cenotaph Xyience Regicide Calibre
Malformed Video ID or something...
7 am-ish... Eh, I once woke up at 5 for one of matty's crazy hour long KOTH Montage games...
See you in 9 hours or so then...
So if a timely young Australian lad happened to make his way into a certain british chap's TGIF Party, what would the consequences be?
So about mah tage...
ARE YO LOOKIN AT ME?!?!?!?!? nice hair...
Not quite... we'll try the weekend I guess, I was hoping to get your advice on something...
You said you were invited too >. >
How come you never play with me anymore...? *sad*
Indeed I be online, but I'm watching AusPro Gameplay...
As iffffffff Oh well... Did I win that comp yet?
1. Why would you choose my crap map? 2. When did I ever give you permission? 3. What is the point of all this?