[IMG] "Time has not decayed this training facility, and yet it still remains a ghost town. 2-8 Players. Supports THROWDOWN." Hello...
Like a gnome with boxing gloves.
Im really glad you posted this, AJ. It's not often I get to see your creative spark in much a large dose. Even though this map is a 1v1, it never...
I'll admit that I downloaded this after Rooster Teeth played about with it, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly. I've been a fan of your maps since...
I can confirm that the screen lag isn't the issue it was any more. I remember doing loads of laggy tests, but each time you'd improve the...
Carnage Palace makes me want to stop forging, and jump off a bridge. If you want a laugh, there's a health pack attached to an orange tower...
This is horrible. You've built a map that is matchmaking worthy, and some arse hole is getting the credit. You have my full support, and I hope...
Countdown plays amazingly on every gametype, and the layout is just gorgeous. I've never played a bad game on it, ever.
I downloaded Artificial a while ago when somebody recommended it to me on Reach. I have to say I was VERY impressed. The entire map flowed very...
I think it's the appeal of seeing your kill stabbed in the head/chest/balls. It's definitely more visually spectacular than a simple punch in the...
With the release of my puzzle map "Ghostman" being quite a success, I was faced with a dilemma. While I wanted to make a sequel to continue the...
That was heartbreaking to watch, but throughout the entire video i was just watching your health. Why didn't you heal?! In fact, just before you...
Congrats Grim, think you could build Gemini around it with all of your $10 of budget? ;)
And now they're not. This map looks really nice. You've used the pieces in Forge World in ways I'd have never thought of, and the result looks...
Yeah...not much to say. Censored & Uncensored. XD [IMG] [IMG]