Smoke! I thought I'd let you know I'm making a co-op puzzle map using Vehiculation. Thought I'd let you know because you're pretty much synonymous...
Vehiculation used Rocket Race, so I'm continuing using that. It's crazy how many game mechanics Bungie didn't tell us about. I'll have to pop in...
[IMG] ...Grab Bag? Anyway, good find. I knew of some of them, but i've never the full list.
[IMG] As if you didn't see this coming. That's right, folks. Vehiculation is back, and this time it's inviting your...
[IMG] This map looks awesome, Timmy. Very accurate, even on the inside. The curved observatorium is especially impressive. No angry dome, though? ;)
The world's prettiest game of Hobo Heights is probably in development right now.
Needs less interlockz. 0/10 I wasn't actually aware of this secret room, so I assumed from the thumbnail this was on Spire. It's definitely a...
Well, you're about to open the floodgate of noobs requesting you do their Spartan. :P Anyway, I like this idea. Giving you more creative license...
Something to do with mouseovers makes pictures stay massive. I'll take them off in a bit. As for the windows, I had them in the initial build...
The Departed A heavily updated version of "Departed" The Departed was created to take advantage of Departed's advantages, but remove the issues...
This map is gay. Haha, just kidding. I really enjoyed the testing process on this map, even though you thrashed me 18-1, (he ended the game to...
Ooh it's this map. I figured you guys might have been testing it, but it's already released. Awesome. :) Anyway, Infection on this was great. The...
So glad you revamped this, Noxiw. I loved the original, but I ended up breaking it by mistake and ended up messing up the flow of the puzzle. This...
I totally agree. This map was great fun to test in the early stages, and it looks like you've really taken advice on board to make it that much...
Firstly, I'd like to say congratulations in finishing the Noble Team models. I'm sure it's been good fun for you, and the results have been great....
As IF you hadn't released this already! I remember this map from way back. It was great fun to fight on. I liked how alien it felt, especially...
I remember testing this map, and it was an absolute blast to play on (despite my dreadful connection at the time). It's a unique location that is...
I have to disagree with the above post. The original Pac Man was on a black background, with vibrant colours throughout. I think the lighting and...
God-damn, that turbine is secksay. And anything inspired by Ghost Town has my interest from day 1. I assume this will support vehicle combat,...
If you need an alternative method of defending goals, Instead of killing the holograms, you could have golf balls which you can push in front of...