Yeah, the original Vehiculation was for 1 player, while this is aimed solely at cooperative puzzles. And I posted a map preview, so it could have...
[IMG] As if you didn't see this coming. That's right, folks. Vehiculation is back, and this time it's inviting your...
Try setting vehicle spawns to "map default" and placing mongeese at the start of the track. I made a puzzle map using Race and I had to set it up...
Haha, you're in the new Fails of the Weak (64 - your name is on the scoreboard on the invasion clip)
Considering that guy was having such a nerdgasm, you'd assume he had a good party. But no. XD Funny video, though
Aaah right, I thought I recognised the name, but the whole "not many posts" thing threw me off a bit.
I can't help but think this looks a fair bit like Smokemonster's cooperative maps. I assume they served as inspiration?
Dude, I am constantly impressed by your use of objects. After seeing your last map, which felt very unlike Forge world, I'm excited to see this...
Important update! Well, depending on your outlook on life... Anyway, I'm looking for some testers for this map. It would help if I coudl find...
Thanks for the heads up about that site, Stevo. You may have saved my bacon. I owe you one.
****, I signed up for that a week or so ago. Best go change passwords :/ Edit: Thank god, nothing has been downloaded on my xbox account without...
[IMG] Been AAAAGES since I posted a sig. Shows, doesn't it?
Short answer: No. Only the anniversary maps on are the CE:A disk. If you want to use Forge World, you have to switch back to Reach.
This. If i wanted to play Gears, I'd play Gears. I would, however, like to see some maps altered to fit Reach's play style and differences....
Happy birthday mate :)
Personally, I'd like to see people remake maps from other games, then tweak them to fit Reach's play style. However, if you have your heart set on...
Well, Bungie provided us with a new forgespace with Tempest, so it's not unheard of. Plus, they've kept Hang 'Em High from the public eye, so it...
The working title for my most recent map was Donkeys in Space. I guess it's for the creators, too. It's often difficult to find a map, especially...
This isn't what it looks like. Honest.
Well, I think it goes without saying that this is a phenomenal use of Speedpile. The lap system seems lime something taken straight out of Halo 3...