Next topic: did price drop the soap in the gulgag?
Price held kamarov over a cliff of course he's going to be pissed. Soap didn't do anything bad to him and kampov had a little payback I guess but...
It's got to go. At least restrict it for snd because that was the only good that came from this. I just can't stand the ignorant, obnoxious,...
Haka looked incredibly awesome, too bad the ending sucked. I guess the giant hunters were any early stage, since hunters are multiple eels. Maybe...
I like complex maps, but not too complex. Maps like Terminal, I just love that map because of the layout, and favela, where there are multiple...
Sr2 was much more fun than gta4 and had much more replayability, both of which are factors I want in sandbox games. Sr2 had some horrible...
Yeah its not relevant at all, maybe he crawled as said.
I was just playing the last level and was wondering how soap crawled to the pistol with that knife in his stomach.
It's ok I didn't make it but I did bother watching the movie... 3 times. Damn long plane rides
Rank 70 Primary: AK 47 (YATCH!) with HBS Secondary: Model 1887 (YATCH!) with Akimbo Perk 1: Scavenger pro Perk 2: SP pro Perk 3: Steady aim pro...
The M21 EBR is the best gun in the game, this is NOT open to debate.
Name: AR like rambo Description: 1 man army Primary Weapon: Tar 21 -|Attachment(s): Heart beat sensor Secondary Weapon: AA - 12 -|Attachment(s):...
All you gun nuts dont attack me if I get any names wrong: TAR - 21 Heartbeat sensor Nade launcher for 3 person AA - 12, amazing at close range,...
I think EMP does effect red dot just like it did in campaign.
The shield can protect the user from grenades, but will still take damage, not sure about rockets though.
End of mission
His grammar is horrible, I think he meant the perk Bling where you can have 2 attachments.
The airport mission at the end [spoiler]
Do what everyone else is doing - buy it on the 360 or ps3. Lack of ded's and 16 players is not worth 50$, even though for some strange reason its...
Yes the Spartan was a suprise throughout the entire thing. I hope there will be more compelling combat scenes than just chieftans.