Terminator 2 would like to have a word with you. But I do agree, the 1887 akimbo's defy all logic in the guns of the game: If it's powerful, is...
Meg it's nothing, the 33 pages was old news, but this was the next best place to post the vid with the best already in halo discussion
Yes it has
Prewf plawx. If its true than hooray, 2060, we might even start space travel by then.
Everytime I have to listen to these disguisting, racist, and down right idiotic people, I loose a part of myself. I TRY to play coopertavily(sp?)...
Yeah good read. Thinking about some of this might help me through **** times.
Today I played 1 match - ground war domination of afghan. It was the most epic game I have had so far. Ran around with my rapid firing ump got...
Red Faction was my GOTY, even though I've bin playing other games because the multiplayer is basically dead. So far this year I only bought RFG,...
Guild wars 2 if it comes next year, there's also a nice new trailer for it reach because it is seductive mass effect 2 And that's it so far,...
I love my iPhone, the bill not so much. It's kind of like a mini computer witha phone built in and paid apps like WaW zombies are very fun. So if...
Yeah some games people only use them it's annoying. At least it has a slow rate of fire. Either tone it down or un-akimbo it.
Actually it's a 2 shot kill mostly with or without SP. Right now it's my favorite gun with it's damage and quick RoF
I actually had an intense game ending me with getting the nuke with the fal, my current favorite
The d eagle has such a bad recoil and slower rate of fire, it just isn't the same as it was in cod4.
Was just doing that with my WA2000, which doesn't need stopping power, nobody ever shot me and I called in 2 ac130's dyong because out of ammo>.<
Or you can keep it in your pocket. I love using the knife with the sheild, so many kills lol.
I think emps last for 1-2mins
If you were Stalin (stalling) you would be shot up
No russian... Rushing lol
I'm thankful for the fact that my friend is going to be ok, he has a cancer and is allowed to smoke weed for kemo. And I'm also thankful for a...