lol, the hat on your avatar is the same as the one on Marcus ps: cold and eaten, a quote from Homer Simpson
Yeah, that 2x2 fits perfectly. You should change your current sig to this new one. Also, could someone, comment on my xmas wallpapers, they're...
Fight! Fight! Fight! Oh, and as for the sig, nice blending and colours. But it does look blurred, and the light source is placed strangely. And...
Hey, I made these wallpapers since I'm feeling christmasy. Gears of War 2
[IMG] Here you go. Its simple, but I think it conveys being inspired by something beautiful
Like I said, its a good template for a wallpaper. I cooked this up quickly to show what i mean. [IMG] Lots of stuff could be done to the original...
Thats good, text fits nicely, lighting is also good. I with I had the money for all these really good programs like Cinema 4D, Phtotoshop and...
There are some nice ones in there, good quality too. But i would just like to give some constructional feedback: There are some images in there...
Mo, it doesn't just look like it, it IS just a couple renders on a black background. Still looks good for a foundation for a wallpaper.
Yeah, awesome. But it needs more to the background and some sharpening.
Ok, here's my entry. [IMG] - I just wanted to convey a fun look at what a Christmas scene on halo would look like. - Draxfear - Heres some of the...
They're cool. I especially like the ODST one, but the text on all of them could be a bit better.
I think you need something like this to make it more interesting: [IMG]
The first one is good, i don't think the circle detracts from it at all. Could do with some Century Gothic text and a border though. Niko looks...
I would agree with hellclown. If you where gunna use that as a sig, it should be a lot smaller and the background less busy. The font and render...
Wow, this is "real quick" lololololololol
LOLzombie's is really good, but not as good as... [spoiler]
If you have a picture I could give it a go in Paint.NET but I've never tried before lol Here's a google search for what you where asking.
I was just following the purple theme of your last sig lol [IMG]