Wow, if Diz thought that the 1st ones were low qaulity jpegs, dn't let him see the new version. lol Sorry, it just looks sloppy. The pixilisation...
Yeah, but you can darken some parts of the image, not the whole thing.
Looks to me like you have just upped the contrast and saturation, and changed the hue a bit. Well, I do like the colours but i would aggree with...
1st is okay, but that second one is really cool. Colours work nicely, looks like its set in medieval times lol. Perhaps you should have used a...
Zstrike13 Although I really don't like his choice of sepia tone, you can't deny the excellent blending . He used his choice in stocks very well...
I know Sdrak made an emotional stock pack. They can be found here
I agree with Shatakai (lol my firefox spell chekcers says your name should be 'mistakable'). The C and especiallly the T are too smudged. The size...
It's getting on my nerves. I have one thing to say. POPOUT SIGS ARE COOL They do not automatically make a sig look good though. That has to...
When Stoj said they should be walking down the clock, I was sorta thinking of this: [IMG]
I made this video as a spoof of Gears of War and Quantum of Solace. YouTube - Gears of Solace What do you think?
Yeah thats cool. Definatly better than the original I think. I would like to edit it to show you how I think it could be better, but i dunno if...
I must agree with Forge God about the text though. It really does say CATNUTS. The O and the end of the G is too dark.
Hey, MS paint has done me well over the years, don't flame it. And these tricks are quite good, I already knew the brush size and eraser tips, but...
Yep, that improves the quality of the image a lot.
Wow, that top one is sick. I haven't seen a sig like that on here yet, well done for breaking the trend lol. So CnC. Save your work as a png, this...
The rain is good, but the background doesn't fit the render, the colour scheme of the trailer was sorta black and white and blue. You background...
Good use of blur, but some of it is more blurred than the rest. Example, the 3 spikes at the right. The first on is really blurred, the next isn't...
I agree with Dizfunkeh, the saturation was better in the first version. It looks a bit grainy, is it meant to be like that?
So thats what it is! ... That doesn't make sense at all.
The update is an improvement. Its more compact and the gradient on the text looks nice.