Seems strange that you built such a detailed centre piece first. I'd probably make sure I had room for the centre piece, leave a place holder for...
I waited until I had downloaded and played this map before commenting so I could say more than "it looks awesome" but I'm struggling to think of...
Chan, please stop making your daily threads. Threads are generally for discussions, your thread posts are more like statements which don't go much...
*checks calender* The game came out barely 3 weeks ago! Come back in a year or 2 and I might be slightly more surprised. Not totally surprised...
I don't like it when a person complains about game mechanics when they only know as far as polygons count. Seriously, if Bungie had all the...
Just for the record, I have only used those Ascension spires on one of my maps, which were more decoration that anything and I ended up removing...
I went outside to have a look at how you used some of the objects and I just ended up wondering why I didn't think of doing that! I'd considered...
So this could be done for all players at once, without the need for multiple controllers? That is far simpler than Halo 3! I must play around...
So what you're saying is the Sniper Tower is directly opposite the other tower in Ascension and that Bungie rotated one of the towers 45 degrees...
OK, its 500 years in the future and humans are found on many planets. Lets just that whatever race you think Jun is, it is clearly not the same...
Are we talking about the same Pinnacle? You do know Pinnacle is a remake of Ascension, don't you? I just looked at overhead shots of both maps...
This is one of the better looking remakes I've seen, managing to keep most of the look and feel of the original. I love the details you've got...
I'm guilty of that :embarassed: I have started going back to "free merging" though, I'll get the first piece done with coordinate editing and...
I'd like to so that, but there will be a lot of sifting through terrible maps. I've seen loads of Lockout remakes and very few of them are any...
Sorry, but that thread isn't much help at all. What we were hoping was that each image's URL would be a combination of codes which would match up...
I would suggest you have one person recording all the clips so they're all the same dimensions and quality for continuity throughout the video....
No, not probably wrong, definitely wrong. It just make sense for so many reasons which aren't worth going in to when you look at the two and see...
Also, you're not limited to just using those 3 "objective items" as objective items. Flags, bombs, balls and cores can only be spawned on Flag...
This is only the 2nd or 3rd remake I've seen which I've decided to keep. Did you think about lowering the boundary walls? I think that when using...
Left over items aren't uncommon in games (Halo CE's Engineer or Halo 2's Pure Form/Tank for example) and its not like Bungie had to leave out tons...