Sorry, I could only watch the first 20 seconds of that video because it was so horribly edited. I'm going to have to take other peoples' word for...
Well... you do just that. You tweak the map. Remove the old map from your file share. Upload the new one and update the link in your thread.
Tritive, your posts make want to gouge my eyes out. "From the outer camera angle, you see most of the flaws"... so why bother downloading it?...
tl;dr I kid. Seriously though, I disagree with most of your points and I have probably already discussed them in one of the many many many other...
Actually, lots of chest pieces have a prosthetic arm. They're all the same as previous chest pieces you would have unlocked by the time you get...
We called it Z-fighting when it happened in Halo 3 because people on usually cared about getting perfect alignment on the Z-axis but it can happen...
Your golf ball problem should be fixed by putting a kill zone over the hole. All objects are treated the same when they enter a kill zone, I...
I'm behind FlamingArmadillo on this one. That link should have been posted in the first response and if everyone actually followed his advice then...
HLG is horrible. I'd prefer aim-bots. At least then I feel like I'm playing a game rather than running around for 10 minutes not doing anything
Seriously? We had this exact thread less than a week ago! The file share system is for sharing files. If you don't have a file available for...
I've nearly finished a map (Coastal Pipeline) which uses almost no standard blocks. I tried finishing the bases with them but they looked messy,...
You're all reading speculation and assuming its true. The Haunted variant will be just like any other helmet. Its like you don't have to buy...
I like it because it means I have a chance to play other gametypes in Rumble Pit!
Yeah, its not actually party of the AC its just everything else is muffled so voices become a bit clearer in comparison.
Because sticking people is clearly the only way to kill people! Gah! Seriously though, and I've said this quite a few times, learn to play. You...
Its not 100% finished yet but I'm away from my xbox until Monday, so I uploaded the WIP version. If you really want a look round then I'm sure you...
No, the pipe is just an outer wall. I just didn't want to use coliseum walls. Some more updated screenshots: [IMG] Red Team starting cam...
OK, I've made a few changes. I removed those light structures. I slept on it and decided I didn't like them. A bit of shifting of the weapons. A...
As I was saying, the item you use for the objective has no effect of how the game uses it beyond the label you give it. A "flag stand" doesn't...
I can see 2 possible problems. The first is one I was having trouble with yesterday. The flag holder has to be perfectly straight and the base...