You guys want a reason? Here: September 11, 2001 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 6,000 dead from one attack. How many troops have we...
*Cough* G043rs Idea *Cough* lolz, great job pmp, this looks alot like G043rs idea doesn't it?
No, thats the first time I ever have, I stole it from Ferret tho (: And it seems it works, so who is complaining?
Why does everyone ignore me in every thread I post in? If it is laying on its side, this would be INCREDIBLY easy to do...
People will only plant in one spot over and over again... They won't go from point to point...
PICK ME!! Ok, so teleporters have two sides, a top and bottom I encountered this while working on my very old sharks and minnows map, You can...
Yea, Aranore, you can do whatever you want to it, this is just showing how it works (: Switches can be bent and tweaked however you want oh and...
It closes after 10 seconds. It is like the doors in campaign, then you get near them, they open, then it closes a little after you leave
Ok, here is my input on this whole scam... First of all, my source: [IMG] From: Cycles Research Institute - Climate Now, if you would be so kind...
whoops, i was going to, then forgot, then came to see what someone posted and noticed my sig and was like zomg i messeddid it up... Actually I am...
lolz, wtf, those crazy swiss/french, they fail. how about testing it at smaller scales 1st, though I bet they probably have. They should wait...
Once again... Why? Why do they want to go to war in the middle east? And how can you have a conspiracy when the office changes every 4 years (8 at...
that is the purpose of this one, it is supposed to replicate a door from campaign where it opens when you are near it/want it to
You know what? I don't need to go into the scientific facts on why these "coincidences" happened, all I need to show is that a conspiracy CAN'T...
Hello Forge Hub, this is issue one of an H3Artificer based informational post. This is just a basic overview of how to make your own unique...
Hey mods your getting off topic... plz don't start a flame war in this poor guys topic
yea, I did experience this, it works better when those are the only dumpsters on the map, or you can just use option 2 of my post
Dthen, that is 2 dumpsters, not a dumpster with an immovable object, though one of the h3a members did try to do this where dumpsters would pop...
Hertz, you didn't have detailed pictures or an explanation on how it worked, so I was making the most logical explanation, and besides I said "If...
lol, wtf blue penguin... You do realize that if we drill here then the oil rigs wouldn't have to transport the oil over seas in which case less...