Wait maybe not, I 4got, the middle gate didn't open... sry it has been a long time ): (I think I imagined the gate opening a bit kinda like...
Look at Zanzibar/Last Resort and Highground, and in Halo 1 Sidewinder... those were/are great switches...
I think the best thing is to make sure that when you play, on either side, you always have fun. In one of my newest maps I put a spin on infection...
Kaya, looks nice, is it reusable, probably not because of the min max, but it could be cool because you could put the powerups anywhere, it could...
I used the gloomy filter to give it a more gloomy feel, imagine that, jk, I used it so that the doors wouldn't be see through, this allowed the...
Outbreak [IMG] Download Gametype: Strain 23 Download Map: Outbreak Year 98,381 B.C., 2 years after the forerunner’s first contact with the...
No, I am pretty sure it isn't, in a map i will release soon there is a CP that gives you a radar and 0% dmg, I threw a sticky and it didn't blow...
Or you could use a lever switch: _I_ ..Ix ...< So the I's are walls, and the line is a pallet, the x is a fusion coil, and < is a man cannon....
When you have a wall betweem it. it takes 2 fusion coils to blow it up, try setting a fusion coil at the bottom by the B sign, that way it will...
Wait what? It isn't a way to kill someone, what are you talking about?
ummm, I usually make it up higher and never had that problem, but try putting a teleporter below it, they don't like merging with them (:
lolz TDH, this was classic, especially getting the party lagged out 6 times... Great map, but i still don't like the scoring method... it is mean ):
Can be done, I have it mostly planned, out just need to make it Been made, look in aesthetics at Dthen's 2-way elevator (or go to...
That is a problem with setting the minimum to the maximum, try interlocking 2 with 30 second respawns, one spawn at start, the other not spawn at...
Here are some numbers for you, you seem to like them: And Link Would you rather we let him kill even more than 90,000 people? Oh wait, he...
would you rather 10 times that many civilians die to another terrorist attack?
ummm macka, is that IN Australia, or in Iraq... and you guys do realize America is NOT the only country there... Canada, Britain, Germany,...
G043r decided to piss off the wrong Monitor with his sniper, now look what happened: [IMG] "And I thought Johnson had it bad..." And you can...
No there are turrets, but it is a death barrier, the second you go out, you die...