No one ever reads my post! Thats why I said FIX the flooding problem. That means make everything below sea level be "water proof" As in one of my...
Ok we all understand that citys should NOT be built below sea level right? Because the oceans are the only place the water drains. We also know...
Do you want a shifting floor, or one that goes in a circular path, (like rotating)
Hey, ill try to work on this for you, i would say I am pretty good with switches, but i would suggest taking this to to get some...
What Room:Basement Where:reclining chair How Far:10-12 feet Why I choose this spot:6 ft projector screen and its nice and cold Other:6 ft...
Yep, I did this long ago, just put a wall over the dumpster and interlock a custom powerup or turret with the wall, when you pick it up or rip it...
If we went there for oil, why were prices rising...?
OK I can help you. So: You need to spawn 2 grav lifts. The first one you spawn will be the one that is forced to appear. So you have the player...
You my sir need to look beyond the media... We attacked Iraq because there was a dictator controlling thousands of innocent civilians and...
Well, you COULD use a min/max to make a warthog spawn, BUT after destroying it, there would be about a 30 second delay before the other one spawned
Updated once more
Kayaman showed me his rough first concept for this awhile back. Though he didn't know how to make it work just once (or in my case, 10 seconds) I...
Hey could I get a mod to move this to the casual section plz, now that I think about it, it should be there not here... thanks for all the input guys
The threads to the ones not working were probably deleted or too old...
No, the sender in the middle of the whole thing, you can step on it but it says "teleporter is blocked" My diagram is of a "middle" teleporter...
Ok, here is my input: Have 2 min max grav lifts and one min max fusion coil. Those are your 3 switches. So when you activate all 3, the grav...
Ok, you have your box that you are going to do it in right? Put a box up against the side of it, then tap it back a small bit. Now you can push...
uggg... Ok listen, guys he basically wants a circle on a blank wall, such as when you interlock a fence wall and a wall you get those X things on...
Guys it isn't a simple job where you can just say "can you make it reusable. Put it this way, he can't make it resusable because he is using a...