Wow, just wow. I wonder how this creature will interact with the planet, if it ever spreads out.
This is a very great idea, but the staff should have NO participation in this. However, this may only work if there is a separate forum concerning...
Meteors hitting Canada? This ultimately proves that Canada isn't always as boring as it seems. It would've been awsomer if it smashed someone, though.
Yeah, these aren't bad for a noob, especially compared to some of the newer player's screenshots. The brightness of your screens are very strong...
(> ' _')> <(' _' <)- forgemate? Gamertag: Bahh M15 Availability: Weekdays: 4:00pm-7:00pm l Weekend: 12:00pm-9:00pm MT (GMT -7:00) Mic: Yeah...
The lighting effect certainly beatifies the screenshot; however, an explosion could balance it. This is definitely above average. Nice work!
Imagine that every dust particle floating in the world beheld its own universe. Imagine that we are merely a dust particle in another universe....
This ultimately proves that this boy has no life. I mean, seriously, I've done a couple all-nighters, but 24 hours staight is way too much.
Is that your mom? Just kidding. Yeah, I was thinkin' about embedding one of those... uh... pics in my signature.
Welcome to ForgeHub! It appears that you are unfamiliar with the standards of this site. Please read all of the Rules and visit the Customer...
I officially has purrmissions. I guess I shall continue to use blinky as my avatar.
The adapter for the wireless connects via the RCA cables (red/white/yellow). I couldn't really give an in-depth explanation on how it works, I...
Dude, fix your sig. It's way too big!
I got mine off of craigslist for fifty bucks : D.
I'm pretty sure you can alternate the input. The one that I'm currently using plugs into my Xbox 360 controller and I think you can change it. I'm...
I feel that the Turtle Beach Wireless Headset was a fantastic investment for me. Not only does it project voices, but it also provides suround...
Yeah, unfortunately I discovered he has been using a similar avatar yesterday. That's one of the reasons I created this thread. However, I think...
I belive I answered his question as well ↓.
Your Spartan's position is pretty epic, but, as stated previously, It would be even more epic if there were effects in the background.
This was in matchmaking, but as a teabagged the guy after I killed him, he began to sink through the Elephant. After that happended, I decided I...