I uploaded NexogeN 3.5 to my fileshare for you.
Lol, finally found the drivers... took me 4 hours to configure the capture card!! Ri-donk-u-lussss Anyway, capturing now. Will send whatever I get...
It's a very long story as to why I'm here, financially ****ed, and still wading through weeks of ****. I'm almost at the edge of the poo-pile......
Haha, I didn't even notice that! vb roots are coming through. I hate it when you make a complete ass out of yourself and some **** points it out...
I get paid pennies for doing a job that should be paying me in gold boolean. So, I signed up to a site looking for people to houseshare with so...
Nope it was aimed at everyone on the internet really... Or basically it wasn't at aimed in anyone in particular. Definitely not all of you in the...
Lmao. I just realised how Bot-like those posts are. I...errr mean. I had such a difficult time meeting hot girls until I went on POF. The girls...
I'm single... and I'm looking for a nice girl. Attractive dudes like me don't stay single for long... I mean, look at me l <--------------------l
YEAH, DUCK! WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS MAP, BRO?!? There's around 10 versions of this on my hard drive. Duck has the Asymmetrical visual one (part...
POF.com ™ The Leading Free Online Dating Site for Singles & Personals It's a dating website, and some of the girls on there are unbelievably...
I'll have you know, I'm really ****ing drunk... Edited by merge: ^ this. Sometimes I get a visualisation in my mind that you guys are all...
So, so... I suppose the pants are see through... but you can't particularly see anything. And I think ass is generally acceptable, because even...
[img] 'nuff said.
lol, it wasn't really porn though... I was just being jokey. I half expected an infraction myself for abusing the report post button :P
RST set it to a picture of a dude, but then Sky changed it earlier on to some other cartoony thing :P
:3 /kittyfacefiller
Hahaha RST, I love you <3 I can't believe you actually infracted ♥ Sky for his avatar! That's so awesome hahaha
Haha, I put a complaint in a reported post about his avatar, check his visitor messages ;)
No, she doesn't. She's one of those weird book people that never stops studying, never leaves their room or the house, and have the weird social...
I needz a poo