She's super pissed at me now as well. I'm probably the first guy to ever have told her "No, I'm not going to date you" in her life. I think I've...
Doesn't it suck when you find a girl that's looks so ****ing unbelievably gorgeous, and is into you... but then you realise she's from the other...
K, it's not like this topic already existed or anything... Topic merge please!
.wat? how did it not come through? I'm also ****ed at the minute. Device is CONSTANTLY blue screening my PC as soon as I enter any capturing...
No, because that would make it "when there is nothing to ***** about" It's all in slang, and gangster talk... I was trying to look 'cool' and down...
Topic in the library. Reported it twice.. turned into a ex-mod battle... other people reported it and complained... The Topic still remains. I...
Bitches be bitchin' whether there be nothin' to ***** 'bout 'cept other bitches bitchin', *****.
If I recall correctly... two of them were actually pretty good which was why I was quite proud of the overkill in three shots. They look like...
I hate it when Matty talks... I mean seriously... what the ****? ^ Is living life seriously.
dewd. do we have any mods left anymore?
You big baby!
lol you douche
I hate it when someone types "loose" instead of "lose" For example;
ELL DEE Can you delete the topic from the Library titled "Levels". Or, settle the debate with your best judgement... It's turning into an ex-mod...
Oh ♥ Sky, your ****** may one day evolve into a *****.
I can whole-heartedly say this map is not for MLG. There doesn't appear to be any control or order in the pieces you've placed, and while I am...
Haha, would you believe we lost this game? I think it's because it was right at the start of the game, I'd taken a very unusual route so they...
I am teh robutt
Go back home and be unhappy with myself.
Sick... inorite? - YouTube You know I'm pro.