haha, poor guy... he doesn't know what he's gotten himself in to!
cool beans I'll send you the other **** as soon as I can then (Y)
No worries. Do you reckon it'll be done in the next 3 weeks? It really doesn't have to be a long one, or anything flash mind... just something...
Song-wise... I'm happy to have any of your songs. I generally like your stuff anyway :)
lol, I have a bit of a request if possible. There's a fly through that swoops from blue, through a tunnel piece into gold and then finishes...
Good boy.
It's called Artificial... And yeah, I have a lot of gameplay files saved, but I can't get them until Blackmagic sort my device out!!! :(((
Not sure if the American military is different... but the British army don't have to scream. My mate said it depends on the drill and the CO's...
Honestly dude... you do not want to know what these guys are talking about -_- bitchin' bitches just keep on bitchin'.
You've got a lot of reading to do ForgeWolf. As already stated, you've basically asked us how to make any map at all. This leaves me thinking...
You should message Shock so he can review the mod board for the discussion in the infraction topics to see what was agreed.
Hmm... I can't do anything about it though dude... sorry. I had to fight your corner to say you weren't to be perma-banned if I recall correctly...
Say what? A permanent infraction doesn't expire... It's permanent. You moron -_-
I didn't like that scene as well. Their CO seems to drag out words for no reason... and her voice doesn't seem to fit it. She should have just...
Yeah. Take the Ramp shallow out and the additional 1x1 Tall and Thin. You should be able to make the jump across from the higher side onto the...
ok no worries bro. Just do what you can <3 files got sent anyway :)
This map really does have an awesome layout. And while I don't think it's so suitable for a 1v1 (Line of sight is too enclosed to each room, you'd...