The map is probably one of the best looking maps I've seen on the game, but it's gameplay is terrible. I didn't like any lines of sight you got on...
Mmmhmmm... this is why I'm hoping for a lot of new block pieces. On High Noon's Forge mode, there were some nice new pieces. Although none of...
I'm going to be so ****ed playing you........
But SSHOOOOSHH! Keep it a secret <3
BT is pink... And I'm still unsure what pink does o.O I offered my services as a mod again if I get my job because I'll have some free time again...
Ohai! My Name is Stevo [IMG]
England 5 - 0 San Marino
I don't want prefab pieces... that's the point. I was a full list of every type and shape of simple block possible....
I've not actually seen any pieces I could genuinely use to make a map so far. They're all too specific pieces for very restrictive purposes. Like...
**** you. I replied. Also, while I like to complain; I hate other people driving in front of me. I had a woman pull out on me on my journey to...
lol... yes. It's a major annoyance >.< Y U SO GREY?
Lol... I liked the clue games I'd played on this map. It's a great casual game to play :)
Also, because it's now relevant: [IMG]
NOXY HAS GONE TO THE GREYSIDE! We must take control of teh Forchub before he rebels!
ERMAHGERD! NOXIW DA GREY y u so grey? :(
[IMG] For when someone you love receives a rank change.
Not everyone's favourite symmetry... I hate asymm maps and much prefer symmetric lol. Gratz though paints!