if they make a map editor for teh computer and then you can transfer to xbox I will be the happiest man alive.
ok, i deleted a box and now I can't get the maximum up to max again even if i restart it. Anyway to get my boxes back?
This i just beautiful map that obvisously took some time to create. I will happily download and try in teh morning.
Lol, he said it doesn't interlock. I like the map. I don't like the fusion coils. I think if you took out the fuson coils, added a little...
Here... I took away my change picture thing now that I can see them... this looks kinda cool. I'm not a huge fan of these kind of maps but I would...
If this is real, which i somewhat have doubts...it could bring a whole new meaning to "infection". Just hold off against flood
WTH is this picture? This is pointless...It's just a couple of cones! Stop Spamming!lol
Look I apreciate the effort.( or lack of it) but this map just doesnt have ANYTHING special about it and gameplay looks Very, Very, bland. Sorry...
I totally understand. I'm gonna start only playing on the weekends just because I'm gonnastart taking a AP Euro class which should put some...
This is way origional. I wish I could think of ideas like this.
I have played this map and I can honestly say this is one of the best maps that I will ever play. It doesn't look like theres much cover from the...
I love ya man, but not in that way
I'm pretty sure those are brute shots guys.
Reply to BlackDistortioN: I have also made a version on Foundry as I mentioned in the first paragraph of my post Heres the link.
Reply to Benny IV: The teleporter are just an asthetic feature in the game. I think one teleporter looks kind of sloppy.
Reply to master: This thing is suspended two box heights in the air so no, you cannot go back to the top. Also the center room is below the...
[IMG] Time to create- 1 week (with testing) Hey! It's Zachary9990 again with another installment of Bumper Cars. My first bumper car map was...
Omg I Dont Want Any Credit For This!!! I Made It Like A Year Ago With Rethal And I Never Wanted To See It Again!!!! Dont Post My Rep On It...
I could seriously see this being a featured sometime. Ilike the curved ceilings in the tunnels. Very asthetically pleasing
Don'y get me wrong, I have confidence in the makers of the game, but from what I have seen in previews...I will have to seriously think about...