Yeh pretty cool. Should be a little slower imo. Edit: Yes, much better.
I saw some commercial the other day and I thought the song was pretty cool. I found it on youtube. A pretty cool song and the music video is...
Ill participate. I vote for the Asian girl one.
Lmao, you saw someone else use this render... Anyway looks pretty good considering it was your first in a while.
Haha, I've seen this comerical like 37 times?
Thats a cool like upside down triangle. Anyways welcome to fh and hopefully you enjoy your stay. And yeah, read the rules.
See how his face is blurry? Fix that you might have a c4d overalpping his face. And smudge the purple c4d to the left out.
Sharpen the focal, lower the opacity on the purple c4d and maybe add a small bright c4d near to right of him.
Aight show me before you post it
Alright the stocks on my gallery
Yeah, you gave away way to many "hints" you pretty much told everyone how to beat the game. Next time don't tell us so much so that we can have...
Exactly, if he cant forge. Then don't feel like you have to be good at it.
Nah, a good amount of people here aren't too good at forge. Anyway welcome and hopefully you enjoy your time here.
I got a bunch of big c4ds, like 7 of em and smudged the hell out of them.
Its a weird size but a better job than your other work. The flow is better but go a little less on the blurring. Good Job tho
I would say with border is better. But the BG is kind of boring. You could add some more color maybe like a low opacity red or something. The text...
You're right, it looks good. Maybe add a small light c4d on the back of him? Also I think a border like your current sig would be good.
That looks much better, and the font is great.
Yeah, they look alright. You could also add another smaller c4d coming out from the gun. And yeh Ive seen that b4