nice map man i really enjoyed playing this with you and spazmonkey92 the other day lots of fun
its an ok map the interlocking looked a bit rused next time maybe try and use markers so you know where its going to spawn so you can make cleaner...
hey this looks like a great map i will definatly be downloading it. its definaly the first one of these that ive seen good job on that and nice...
i dont like symetrival maps because it lacks creativity but it does look good and it seems as if the top part it a little open but thats fun for a...
seems rather plain doesnt look like too much effort was put it kinda sloppy but i can understand because its not on foundry. but even so it justr...
some of these pictures may not be up to date because i did fix up some areas
what in my map was sloppy because i dont want to make the same mistakes as before... and i didnt interlock everything because sometimes it causes...
this is going to be the first map i am posting on this website i have actually made other maps before. this map is best used for my custom...
if your looking for some fun to do when your bored try out out screenshot competition, this is not a major competition but its for people that...