i dont always dl racing maps but i like the looks of this map i think it will be fun and most of all fast paced good job on keeping it smooth 4/5
thats a really cool switch i really like it and i didnt realize that just one trip mine could do it but i guess from the hight your at maybe thats...
this is an amazing map i just played it with a couple of friend good job. i like it since its floating outside of blackout because personally i...
the rocket looks a bit onesided but thats the only negative comment i can come up with so excelent map i will definaly dl this and i cant wait to...
congrats on the geomerging cuz avalanch is sometimes hard to geo merge on because usually when i do it i get a fair bit of lag "LAG STORM" sry...
i think that there are to many powerful weapons within a close timezone but other that that the map looks great and i love super smash bros so i...
good map i like the idea of the weapons it does make me think of ghostbusters. i thought that the plane looked really nice it was a really good...
i think that if you were to interlock and geomerge it would make your map perfect but even so the map is still great looks liike it would play...
good job on keeping yor race track smooth looks really good. just wondering how long this took u to make? and i thing that the U-turn looks...
this does look like a really fun map and its very creative because from the name i just thought this was going to be sniping cones or something...
weve called ourselves that for like 6 months so skrew you it is generic...sry lol but you cant ask a clan to change its name thats just retarded...
this map does look really good and looks like it will play really well but i do have to agree with master debayter you really need to start a new...
this actualy looks amazing just from the first picture then it just gets better and better from the next pictures. how long did this take you to...
this looks like quite a fun map im definatly going to dl this, but it does seem as if it is rather easy for the vip's team to win but then again i...
sry my mistake i see you have interlocked in one place but you should have interlocked you main structure because you can see a gap in the picture...
i think you need to add more pictures of this maps because i would like to see what you did in the back rooms and the side areas because to me it...
really nice map i thought that you manages to forge the two levels really well so good job on that but i do agree about the fact that its a little...
good looking map but to me it seems like theres too many routes up to the top meaning that you can be getting shot from far away possibly not...
i like the last pic where you are drifting round the corner looks great and im going to download it 4/5
i liked the computeres alot this must have taken quite a long time if you dont mind me asking how long did you spend making this?