this map is quite sloppy and i dont really understand why you morged the fence wall into the singlebox was it for asthetics? but anyways this is...
im not sure if the shotguns were nessasary on this map but i think i will prefere it when you convert in to MLG other than that the map is great
wow this is just completly awful. there is no creativity what so ever. REALLY ITS ONLY A HAL WAT WERE YOU ON WHILE YOU WERE MAKING THIS BY ANY...
lol cheese i think you may have overshot the amount of splatters that we got and also you forgot to say spaz was there aswell. me and spaz also...
interesting name ive seen some of your maps just wonderin if you wanted to forge with me and spaz
is the really you frist geomerged map because it looks like youve been geomerging alot one small suggestion tho i would have interlocked the...
that layout was very useful i was just wondering how you did it? but anyways back to the map i dl this to test it out because it looked great but...
well based on your responses we will most likly makw a V2 in the near future but we would like some comments about the gameplay itself to see what...
i was just wondering if you positioned the locations specificly to force people to try and do trick? also the looks amazing especially the curved...
i like the idea you should definaly make a a new more advanced version where it releases more spartans
you can only stick them inside of the hill. you only regenerate the grenades inside the hill. and you only get points inside the hill.
the signs really helped me get out of the 'fox holes' so im glad you did that and i think that this is quite an original idea. it plays really...
yea i do have recon but i dont really like it i only put it on to get that pic
i say you should interlock everything because it doesnt look that hard to do i mean the walls can stay the same but the box's fencebox's and...
you need to interlock more and maybe use more measurments but other than that this looks like a good fun map im going to dl it for now its a 3/5...
the geo merging is very nice tha map looks good for MLG because its nice and open but of course not too open and at the same time you have put in...
this loooks really great especially for MLG i do think it could possibly work as a king of the hill map aswell but thats just me. everything looks...
very nicly done looks really good all good interlocks nice and neat i dont see any sloppy areas unless ur hiding some through the pics but yea...
lol spaz you make me laugh but anyways good map looks interesting ill most probs give it a dl and check it out but form now the rating is 3/5 i...
hey you put it up now thats cool im glad you fixed the problems and ive already played it wit you ant others so i know it plays well...even if i...