this is not up to forgehub standards you must add - at least one embeded picture - description - weapons list ( would be nice) these are the most...
FINALLY EpicFishFingers has told you what i told you your map lacks effort i am sorry for over doing it ok? but youve got to understand that this...
i got very annoyed with this map because the golf ball kept falling off ( dont worrie i get frustrated easily ask spazmonkey 92) but other than...
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ARE YOU SERIOUS there has been no thought what so ever put into this map you cant just make a SMALL (not even a larger...
i agree with spazmonkey 92 you really need to fix this map up alot, you shud definaly consider fixing it because if you interlock and clean it up...
i think this map was ok for your first map, the gameplay lacked because there werent many areas so predicting spawns was very easy i think if you...
very good map the gameplay was fun still havent fully tested it so i might come back to my comment but so far from my gameplay experience i have...
this looked really good i did enjoy playing the previous vershion but this one looks 100 times better havent got time to play it yet so im...
far too small didnt play well at all i didnt enjoy the mancannons because people could camp on the other side, it was also sloppy you could have...
map played very well i dont knwo why you didnt use grav lifts and also for everyones benifit for those who dont yet have the mythic maps could you...
my gamertage is berkgina now the picture id like my sig to be is in my file share and its called pure engery i was thinking you could make it...
this map played very well as an MLG type playlist but it seems to me as a remake of one of the maps already in matchmaking for mlg but other than...
i tested this map even though i new my results would be what i thought and i was correct this map was awful id say completly remake it get loads...
this map to me at first looked like you had posted it in the wrong section because the astethics were amazing, but i thought id give it a dl and...
i really liked the platforms around the killball for me that brought the gamplay to a higher level also the bases were well thought out good job...
needs to have a larger surface area at the center structure and also needs an alternate route. other than that i dont feel like this map played...
ive only managed to get a 4v4 game going on this but ive got to say wow this map was really fun. as far as i can see i dont see any nessasary...
imm sorry but why cant a video post be up to forgehub standards if anything its even harder to do that than just to take pictures. i think he has...
your map is quite sloppy but it does play well you just need to improve the neatness of your future maps to get them to those 5 stars. i thought...