this map was really well thought out i like how you made the man cannons to get into the base quick and back out great idea. i disagree with most...
nice job on the respawning objects that was a great idea for this mini game. killballs appearing outta nowhere good idea i used that in one of my...
i really liked your ramp stairs thing u had going on. the layout was good. i agree about the wall to sustain the hornet but i thought u coukd have...
thank you zanitor, btwim Berkgina this is my FH account anywyas i will definaly have to forge with you online at some point and feel free to join...
i guess it works for your idea but for an asthetic map you really need to make it alot better like maybe an actuall roof or even some funky...
this map i really enjoyed also i thought your use of the obalisks (sry not sure how to spell it) were great i really liked the small pathway you...
dude you got this posted so fast. btw good idea posting it in forge so everyone can see the spawns but for there benifit you should add some more...
most of the racing maps i try out get boring after a couple curcits but this one i havent gotten bored yet and ive played it alot with my friends...
im sry but theres only 2 snipers on the map and we did that to keep it balenced like the pit. but also we thought we should have had 2 lazors...
me and spazmonkey92 will be cleaning up this map over the next few weeks we would like some suggestions so your feedback would be helpfull. and if...
well i no that non of you have downloaded dont say you have tried it lol and also it is our fault very sry we thought it worked but our...
thank you for your actual feedback and taking the time to have a look at it. we will most likly make these changes but we wone be able to do a...
yes you finally put this up took you long enought but i guess you only had the weekends... but anyways anyone who has any questions about this map...
you have 24 hours to get this fixed before a modderator locks this thread
i really enjoyed playing on this map i find that it plays well as a team br or team sniper or a free for all. but you could have interlocked it to...
this is an excenlent remake. and it plays as well as the original i have no negative comments about this map. the only thing i could think of is...
very nice map but i think it might play a bit better if you made a path from one base to another so people could also fight on the ground to try...
i agree with noklu this map need to have some geomerging at the entrances to block off the teleporters and maybe you should try using the...
i really like your map at all but my only complaint is the random blocks leading to the killball it all seems kind of irrelavent to the map you...
smear the pink is nothing like this because it is in a much more confined area want you can actually see the person your sfter which makes that...