GIMP Tutorials and useful snippets Only help I can give you because I use PS. Isn't there a GIMP thread-tutorial in this section of the forum?...
Fixed my recent post up..the border instructions weren't right. Did you use GIMP or PS?
AHAHAHAHA. WIUWNKLME. <3 Hilarious and a great find.
Very cool for a first. My advice: Try and make the render 'blend' in it doesn't look like you just splattered him on there. Oh and try...
Photoshop. I used to make a STACKLOAD of sigs but stopped for a while. I can show you some more if it want me to?
Thanks for the comment. =) Any more?
It's just my current and wanted to know what people thought. (Yes. I KNOW it's VERY basic but I think it is effective.)
Editor. Forge Mode. OR the Probe.
I'll be downloading.. just cause it looks cool/fun and you're GWS.
Cool. I call it Pentooling cause it's what you use in PS. Just needs more blending. :) --- This isn't a great sig cause the pentooling takes...
I know there's a duck in Isolation. Cool find though. =)
[IMG] Ima have a go. xD
Definite DL from me. Looks great and looks like it'll hold up great gameplay.
Very cool pictures. I've got a picture of at the back of the flood room in CS.
That confetti looks...ARTIFICIAL. :o Awesome pic though.
Get someone drunk to sing. That ups the ante.
Or you place territories in spots where you need to stop, giving you points but slowing you down. The last territory at the end of the map should...
Wewt. So what REALLY happens when two falcon punches COLLIDE? I searched "Two...
Holy **** DLDLDLDL.