Grats on loyal. =]
I used to watch it all the time...always made me crack up. Sexes in the bedroom is another good one. xD Have you seen a rip off of salad...
Watch it...I reckon it's hella-funny. There are other jerry jackson films but I like this one the most.
I actually prefer v2 because it fills some space up and it hasn't killed the sig, which most text usually does.
I HAZ A DREAM! I spotted him but the zoom-ins made it look better. :D
Agreed Linu. @ The creator; get a shot so the view isn't obscured by floating grenades and an assualt rifle.
If you look closely you can see my name in pixel-writing. (Bottom Right) Thanks for the comment...sometimes names ruin sigs so most of the time...
That guy is gunna have problems signing up to things with forms that have 'Real Name'. (Agreeing Reynbow, too)
Your example there is actually quite a good and normal part of a levelling system. If you verse people lower than you, you have a higher rate of...
W00t. MOAR Australians to add to the list. YOu'd be surprised how many Aussies there are...I was. Welcome. (I've been asked if I ride...
Abstract. I love it. :D I see Ice Cubes.
Hold RB to - Wait, what? What game are you playing? In BF2 I remember you could never flip vehicles...they'd just recover. lolful.
Hey sorry for leaving early but my dad wanted the TV. That's why I hate my Xbox not being in my room/ on a tv that not many use. Unfortunately...
Hey Toochie, you should get drawing to make a picture of your now all-time-fav quote. ;)
k ... You have some interesting articles. Baibai Albin.
Sickkk. So tell me... WIHEKLHOOKA? I wish I could draw as good as you. >.< I can draw FROM things (like 'copy' them) from an image and redraw...
Ok I've played it (not a large party, but oh well.) and it's great but the only thing I don't like is the the exposure everyone gets and the...
Very nice if you didn't GeoMerge or Interlock, couldn't you submit this into the Lazy Mapmaker's contest? Looks nice but I thought I'd mention that.
Woot Toochie love the picture. Lawl. If I could edit my title I think I know what I'd put in there.