Though in one side of the map's corners, where there is a window-panel cover arc sort of thing, I think this area needs more cover... Just my...
Seems cool that you're getting the community's input. Things I'd like to see: Huge Half Pipe with Grav lifts to maintain speed. Burms to drift....
Opinions and experience. All that needs to be said... Just reading that Headset Headset's fine and I've had it since April 2nd. But the...
If it had a 6CD changer I would imagine the console would be huge.
Once again, there is a series but here is one of my favourite episodes in this. (No, it's not a crappy-animated-but-yet-still-funny cartoon like...
Welcome to FH. Just wondering, where is your country of origin? Australia, America, Etc. Welcome, again. :D
Haha thanks man. Also gotta mention that some parts in this tutorial will not fit with your sig. (EG the 85% Overlay black layer...that can...
<3. The flashing just makes it look so much better. Thumbs up, again. :D
When LOCKdown posted his tutorial, it reminded me of a tutorial I made ages ago. This was back when I thought 'Graviton' was a cool name, but I...
Looks like a great list, though I Ctrl + F'd (Search) "Border" and found nothing that contained the word "Border" on this page. Is there a tut...
GIMP is Similar to PS and converting things should be quite easy, so you should give it a go. :D @Human Highlight; Use Planet Renders for endless...
I like the first one the most because it is the most simplistic. But they're all good. :D
I might use this and show a result, but I'll just comment on the Tut. It's great because it will get alot of new people starting out strong....
Very, VERY cool. Quarter Pipe and stuff looks extremely good. Definite should make a 'Ghost Skate Park' or something, so you can catch...
Was he expecting to see Batman? "i waz expektin u" Nonetheless; WTF. Dumb?
Argh I was almost finished on mine and then my computer screwed up...I saved it but now PS tells me it can't open the file. D:
That's extremely's amazing at what people can do with forge. I wanna make a picture using weapons sometime. :D
For your first goes, they are superb. (Y) Just keep reading tutorials and stuff. GIMP Tutorials and useful snippets should help. :D
The wings are sick and the dragon is amazing. I won't bother downloading but these are insane.
It looks somewhat like a painting. Nice.