BFG? Yarly.
Thinking about that now Mastar, that makes sense. 'Save her..Kill him' Heh.
The grunt looks like a complete mess at a first look. :lol: But when you keep looking, you see that he's covering his face with his arm. Nice...
#1 or #2 Defo. I can't see much difference between the two though.
Definitely the Stojunov. [IMG]
@ All of Drawing's things; pwnage. Here's my art that I did a while ago using photoshop: [IMG] (Note that is actually me, I trimmed myself out...
Thanks for necropost definition...I used to call that Gravedigging. I thought necropost was something along the lines of racism posts. :embarassed:
I'd imagine you could do the same thing with a Spartan Laser? I like it. :D
It would look even cooler if the beam was parallel to the barrel of the gun. :D
Thanks I'm glad you noticed at least one thing. :happy: I was hoping the turret would take a main point of the focus. :) I didn't really have...
T'would be awesome..but knowing bungie they'll somehow disappoint us.
A picture. I know it's a pile of crap compared to others but I wanted to at least try and add something in this section of the forum.... :(
I haz an idea! The SOTW #8's theme is 'Women' so you should enter your sig. :P (Being serious though.)
Hahaha. The one that is giving looks really skinny and the receiver looks fat.
Mine: [IMG] Edit: Zerosun yours is friggin' awesome.
There are many way was to press 'PrtScn' which is next to the F12 button on the keyboard. You then open this in a photo/picture editing...
Kay my logo turned out not-so-good so you can just use Lynx's. Though Platinum you should make an even smaller one that is 100x100 so you can...
Number #1. Uses up space in a great way...not adding stupid stuff and killing the signature in the process.