hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
ForgeHub username: Forge update hypothesis: forge will stay the same. no new editor, but new objects Reasoning behind hypothesis: in the weekly...
what about me.
i will, my new maps is gonna be even better, just wait. good point, but half the bullets that go into a fence wall, don't come out the other...
this map is not up to forgehub standards, you must embed pics of your map, not just leave links. click on the rules, to find out how, if your...
thanks, i did the same thing, that guy is a tard
it clearly says 4 brs 2 smgs, 1 mauler, 1 plasma rifle and different assorted grenades. how about you actually look at the map before being an...
you can't. i tried
i'm so honored. i just want to say thanks to everyone so far, for all the great reviews, tips, and so on. eveyone prepare for caverns v8. with...
try to extend your comments, cause thats basically spam,theres actually no geomerging on this map, i know how to do it, but it wasn't neccesary,...
wow, good thing you put on pics, cause this is a really good map, but can you get more pics, these don't show enough of the map.
why won't you use doors? the other way is a lot less neat, i think
ya i guess. do you know what i should do to get more people to see my map, know that its out of newest maps
wow, this looks cool, its like a canyon, i think i see a couple of the maps, can you tell us which ones in paticular
theres no pic edit. know there is, kinds small, can't you enlarge it.
your right, i'll get on that.
well thanks for your opinion, i guess i could make a v8 thats a little neater. anyspots in paticular that bother you
yes i did. most of it was trying to get the ceiling on the middle cave to look good. i scraped the map about 5 times, trying different technigues....
i forgot to mention in the thread that the mauler has no extra clips, so it dosn't dominate, plus the smgs level it out. thanks though. i hate to...
hi, please take a look at this map. some people said it was featrue worthy, and i want your opinion.