wow, this is the biggest spam post ever. your description of the map took two words, and the rest was trying to convince people that they would...
like 204 for some pic, i'm not sure how much caverns v7 got, cause i recently updated it and it went back to 0, but its at like 4 now
to get to that one spot on the pit, just use a brute shot, me and my doubles partner always do that.
how do you even play it?
how is it spam. he's showing us an upcoming halo map
omg, where did you get that, the map looks sick, and the one thing in the middle kinda looks like cqb helmet
i play bass as well. how long have you been playing.
i think thats kinda obvious
needs interlocking, i know i'm just repeating, but still, just having a gametype with less grav isn't good enough so people can't escape, just...
how new? i really don't like slipknot, mostly because there a bunch of freaks in masks who wear **** stuff, theres some in this vid. also theres...
idk, maybe tomorrow
i guess i'll help, gt stin10.
i don't think, that we are gonna end up actually playing these peps, so idk what will happen if we don't.
finally, i found you, my team is playing against yours in the trourny we need to arrange when
but they havn't sign'd up on our thread so we win by default if they don't.
what exactly do you have to do to unlock the achivment.
to post a map go to the forums page and look under halo forge maps. then pick weather your map is competative or a minigame, or so on. then click...
for some reason this map dosn't appeal to me, i mean, i know that its very well made, but it dosn't look to fun. but i'll haveto play on it so, ya...
my vote is on updating
photoshoped, i assume