a much much easier way is to just put the objects against each other, then put a double wall in between the two boxes so the line in the middle of...
i forgive you, and there is a diference between our 2 contests
i know there are many good switchmakers on this site, so i have a little challange for all of you. who remembers the elevator on ivory tower, the...
i know you did, but idk if there is gonna be a v8, maybe i'll work on that after i post my new map.
for your first geomerging, its amazing, how did you get that box in the hallway? but other than that, the map could use some work, i see several...
if you used unlimtied money, than you wouldn't have run out, and i doubt you used all your money anyway.
oh, i live in cincinnati
i forgot, sorry, and does it really matter anyway.
ok i'll address these 1 by 1 1. its meant for 2v2 with no radar for a reason, and there are many places to hide if you must ,but why are you...
sorry, i'm a tard, i just saw him shooting a br, and missed the needler
wow, this actually looks really fun, how affective are the soccer balls, and how come you don't have a needler. also, it looks very well made,...
ya, but thats kinda lazy, it wouldn't be hard at all to make it unescapable, you probably have enough stuff to make a roof, like me map, CAVERNS i...
wow, i was about to flame you, cause i thought you stole vertabraille, but it does seem a lot like it, did you just delete most of vertibraille...
seems pretty basic and unapealing, you could interlock it a little neater, but i know thats its hard to do it when its in the air, the bottom part...
i live on ohio to. where do you live exactly
ok, make an interlocked verzion flip those boxes upside down. take out the armory idk why theres a soccer ball, but its gotta go and to many...
good tips i guess, i'm not really popular, but i'm friends with pretty much the most popular kid. i guess on a scale of 1 to 10, i'm a 7. which...
no one is gonna make this, and then give it to you, so what if you give credit, it isn't yours, but i am gonna make this, and do it myself.
i'm not ignoring you, and ya, its awsome
ok, i'll explain again, open up 3 tabs 1 being your forgehub thread, 2 being your bnet screenshots, and 3 being either www.imageshack.com or...