This map really caught my eye as well. I haven't had a chance to play on it but the spawn structure gives me cause for concern. If you're...
wanna be my partner for the contest? I'm sure you're a popular one since you're working with everyone it seems but I think we have a great chance...
i don't think there's really a character limit for sigs, plus being a mod of sorts we're a bit above the sig laws :)
that's the [mouseover] part
[floatleft] the images and then put the text below it. Here's the code i used...
I added a thumbnail for you. Mods and guardians can edit posts.
We have no clue. The best we know is that, for now, maps will be chosen from Forgetacular submissions. In the future members of the community at...
Ace of Spades posting a map should be a new meme like dividing by zero. This map is awesome. Tight turns but visible, and super smooth as always....
Awesome! I really liked this map but wrote it off as never having a chance, and here we are! Congrats Col Keller, a really special map that we...
Thanks for the support, I'll brainstorm some stuff but we really just need reviewers right now.
oh look who's purple
In general I've had more responses if you post it towards the middle of the week. Some other tips to improve distribution of your works. Have...
sure man, sorry i've been slacking. : Halo Reach : File Details
I was wondering if this jump was ever going to get added in. It's so hard with the reach jump height but I'm sure you got some good ideas.
I remember testing an earlier version of this and being blown away by all the unique touches to the map. You certainly have a way with design....
This is absolutely amazing. Props for giving Maky credit, I can see you really enjoyed his design as much as I did, while making it even better....
Do you mind if I use the name Landslide for a map? Feel free to say no, just a name I've been toying with.