Omg that is awesome IMO even better than Felipe's spider when you finish I will definately DL GJ
Wow what is with all these srsly stop posting deer hunt maps and Double Post
What he said minus the stealing thing, because he didn't steal that guys map.
More like Wizard/Warlock Anyway I didn't like Midship anyway I am looking forward to Longshore the Remake of the best map ever, Relic
I will only buy if it had 257 players but, I don't have a PS3 anyway FL:FoW attempted a Huge team game w/e oyu call it and it sucked so yea
Looks a bit too open in the middle and asymetrical maps are in MLG, examples Lockdown Guardian Construct
Wrong Section to post this here but anyway I'll help test GT: STWOW I'll be on at like 5-7
The link to the template is on the thread the above guy just posted
It is a problem with maps that arn't so flashy but have really good gameplay on it but, nobody ever plays the maps before they comment and rate.
They should bring back the rocket launcher hog from Halo:CE computer version except actually make it have unlimited ammo now.
You could geomerge a weapon holder into 1 but, it is impossible just to let you know.
No you can't just delete them...... But you might be able to destroy them then put a weapon holder or something small inside where they spawn to...
When I was 7 and still living in Quebec I fell in a pool in the middle of winter (well more towards the end like february or something) Anyway my,...
Spam Urk or Shishka repeatedly and they will finally give in and give you recon. [/sarcasm] and :lock:
^ don't you mean top right.... anyway it looks kind of messy and the effect is pretty overused. And well try to be creative and not jsut take a...
First: Leave your title to the name of the map only Second: Some of your pics are way to small and only thumbnails Third: The map seems a bit to...
^^ stop spamming nobody cares about post count here dude.
There is already a thread about this and how to do it in forging 101 bud.
Wow, That was, WOW
Apocalypse [IMG] Well I found out this thing when playing campaign and trying to get on the Boat on storm with the scarab that if you jump on a...