You got a spam infraction because you posted something (actually alot of things) that had nothing to do with the map. You only need to say he...
Yes it does :)
Yes but in Ranked I actually care when I lose and it loses a fun nature to it that social has. There is bad people, no joke they exist, and they...
1. Take screenshots in a custom game (NOT FORGE) 2. Go to and look up your gamertag in the top left corner 3. Click on your...
Jeesh guys just actually make a legit request, here [IMG] Bottom Left put STWOW add some green stuff in it and make him have a lgihtsaber Lets...
I get what you are trying to do, but it isn't really good because he isn't being chased by anything, and you are using clearly visible pistols to...
Best scarab to date because it is actually the right size and the legs are perfect, yay, but still the body isn't that good, make it more roundish...
Gamertag: STWOW Times you can get on: whenever I am needed Mic Yes/no? Something describing yourself: I am a good forger but, I suck at making up...
No they are mostly elites because that is what a person who would a) do HLG or b) Write HLG in there name would be like because usually elites...
It is not little kids that piss me off as much as just HORRIBLE players, like I am I dun no how shoot rite? Why play when you get -17 spread with...
my favorite is Whilst
I love you um well Welcome to Forgehub, and remember to read the rules ^^ AZN's full tutorial!!!
Name: STWOW 1st Weapon: My right fist 2nd Weapon: My left fist Special Power: Bulging Biceps Armour: My rippling abs, and my ability to listen to...
yes sir, hope it helps for oyur next map, sorry about that broseph.
I reccomend the v3 one anyway I hate the (v4) standardized version. *sry AZN*
Jesus Christ that is hard, I jsut played it and I couldn't get past the first flying 1 from the side when you get the BR, I like how it can be 1...
You are [Too Long] good sir (Your status message is too long)
Welcome! make sure to read the rules but, usually people who do an introduction will be OK so your good so far :P
I think I got it right how he did this, for the rainbow but still with texture effect you need a pitch black or dark place that is similar to the...